Barefoot Books Ambassador ~ Montessori Educator
Children’s Books
Kathryn’s Book Nook exclusively sells children’s books published by Barefoot Books. Barefoot Books is a 30 year-old, women-founded, independent publisher of books and products for children under the age of 12 years-old. Barefoot Books has a commitment to sustainable practices, honoring diversity, fostering empathy, and celebrating art & story telling. May the hearts and minds of the children in your life be opened!
Book Fairs
Our Book Fairs are uniquely catered to children under the age of 10 years-old. Among other early childhood programs, Barefoot Books are a favorite among Montessori schools and Spanish immersion programs. They are an easy “favorite” because of the sustainable manufacturing practices and materials, celebration of art and story telling, wealth of books in Spanish, French, and other languages, books that foster exploration and learning by introducing science and geography in an engaging way, and books that foster a respect for others through social emotional and many cultural titles.
Why choose Kathryn’s Book Nook for your book fair?
-Featuring Barefoot Books
-Schools can earn 20-35% in books (up to 15% over the average offering)
-No gathering of volunteers, major occupying of employee time, nor lugging around hundreds of books
-Books available in 20 different languages.
-Expert recommendations based on over 15 years of experience
-Teachers receive a 15% discount during the book fair.
-Advertising content provided
-”Book Cash” available so loved ones can add to a child’s ability to purchase books
-Additional features available for programs local to the Dallas- Ft. Worth Metroplex
School, Educators, and Non-Profits
Looking to buy Barefoot Books for your school, program, library or classroom? Apply for an account to receive 20% off all purchases, including Classroom Sets designed to support your existing curriculum.
Montessori Literacy Printables
from my classroom to yours
Coming soon…
These resources were created with the thought of specific needs of students I was serving at the time. I used my knowledge as a certified Montessori Guide, current research, and nearly 15 years of experience to create tools to help my learners develop strong literacy skills. Now that I am out of the classroom, I serve in a role that allows me to coach and support other Montessori Guides. My resources have been helpful to them and I hope they are helpful to you as well.
Follow my Montessori journey on Instagram and get inspiration for yours!
Meet Kathryn
Thanks for stopping by my little corner of the internet! My life’s work is all about the optimal development of children, fully embracing the Frederick Douglass quote, “It is easier to build strong children than fix broken men.” I’ve been working with the youngest among us for over 20 years as a Montessori Educator (Toddler & Early Childhood levels), Children’s Ministry Director, Social Worker, Barefoot Books Ambassador, and volunteer with various organizations. My greatest joys center around doing things with the people I love- eating, laughing, traveling, and trying new things. I’m blessed to have someone always rooting for me, my husband. With God as my guide and the source of my strength, I strive to “be the change I want to see.”